If you've been following the blog for a while this jar might look familiar:
It's the Where Shall We Eat Jar. Over the past couple of years we've used this jar to help me in a few ways - 1. With the other half living the Fly In Fly Out work schedule I really (really) needed a guilt free reason to go out for dinner at least once a week and 2. We needed to be sure to not just go to the same place over and over and over. So the Where Shall We Eat Jar was born, first in St. Albert and then on to Kelowna. Here's how the jar works: we write down the names of restaurants that we think sound interesting and place them in jar, then once a week draw a name out of the jar and go there to eat. Simple but also slightly brilliant. The choice of where to eat is made by chance, eliminating the whole "where should we eat" discussion and decision making.
My latest version of the jar comes thanks to both my new work schedule and the Husband's new schedule. I'm working on Ontario time (even though we're in BC) so my day starts at 5am and ends at 1:30pm. The husband is now essentially on a 2 and 2 schedule (2 weeks away, 2 weeks home). This combined means that we have a lot more time together and can take advantage of all the great local eateries that are open for lunch!
We'll start in the new year, and so far here's the list. I'm always looking for recommendations and of course will keep you updated and where we're eating and what we think.
QB Gelato (they do lunch too!)
Woodfire Bakery
Vice and Virtue
Okanagan Street Food
Mad Mango
Jammery (for lunch)
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